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RCWC » Diplomas RCWCrss

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 3-07-2024, 19:59
Категория: News / Telegraph Marathon 2024 / Diplomas RCWC

Diploma «Telegraph Marathon R-CW-C  2024»


The diploma was established by the Russian Telegraph Club (R-CW-C). The diploma is awarded for contacts with amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C, participating in the Telegraph Marathon 2024.

Time of the fulfilment of the conditions of the diploma:

- beginning: July 26, 2024 (00:00 MSK);

- ending: August 04, 2024 (23:59 MSK).


Modulation: Telegraph (CW)

Bands: 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160 meters.


Diplomas are free and issued electronically to all radio amateurs of the world who have fulfilled its conditions.

Amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C (activators) will be working on the HF bands on the air in the specified period of time. Modulation - CW. The format of the general call is CQ CALL ... CQ CALL TM RCWC.

Contacts with each of the activators are counted on different bands, and on each of them once.

Просмотров: 62 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 3-07-2024, 19:55
Категория: News / Telegraph Marathon 2024 / Diplomas RCWC

Diploma "315 years of victory near Poltava"


The diploma was established by the Public Organization "Russian Telegraph Club" and is issued for radio communications with amateur radio stations participating in the Telegraph Marathon of 2024 and is dedicated to a significant event - the 315th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava.


Time of fulfilment of the conditions of the diploma:


- beginning: July 26, 2024 (00:00 Moscow time);

- end: August 4, 2024 (23:59 Moscow time).


Modulation: Telegraph (CW)

Bands: 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160 meters.


The diploma is free and is issued electronically to all radio amateurs in the world who have fulfilled its conditions.

Amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C (activators) will be working on the HF bands on the air in the specified period of time. Modulation - CW. The format of the general call is CQ CALL ... CQ CALL TM RCWC.

Contacts with each of the activators are counted on different bands, and on each of them once.

Просмотров: 62 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 29-05-2024, 12:50
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Award Program European Prefix Hunter - EUPXH




The design of the EUPXH series diplomas has been updated. All radio amateurs who have previously received diplomas from this series can download them to their computer again through the service on our website and thus update their collection.

The degree program is founded by the Russian cable club R-CW-C.

Diplomas are issued for QSO with amateur radio stations of Europa which have various prefixes in the call signs. 

Diplomas are issued for the radio communications which are carried out by telegraph (CW).

Each various prefix for diplomas is set off only once. Radio communications are set off, beginning communications with January 1st, 2000 on all radio amateur bands, including WARC.


Data on radio communications in the application it is necessary to place in alphabetical order followings of call signs.

Confirmation by QSL cards isn't required.
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form.

Attention: when applying for several degrees of diplomas at the same time, you should submit one application for the degree with the highest priority. All lower degrees are issued automatically.

Applications are accepted through service Diplomas on the website rcwc.ru. It is possible to study the instruction for application according to the reference.
The address for reference: rm4c(at)mail.ru

Просмотров: 4 607 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 10-05-2024, 00:00
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Memorable diploma "WHGW" - 2024



On May 24, 1844 there was a significant event - on the telegraphy communication line 40 kilometers long between the cities of Washington and Baltimore the Morse code sent the first dispatch with the text of "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT".


It became the beginning of practical use of a Morse code in communication, and this date is celebrated by us as "International HF CW DAY ("The international day of activity of CW on HF").

In honor of this event the Russian telegraphy club R-CW-C founded the memorable diploma of "WHGW"

Просмотров: 159 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 27-04-2024, 07:56
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

The diploma "On May 7, 2024 - Day of RADIO"



The diploma is founded by RCWC club in honor of the Day of RADIO (on May 7 th).

The diploma is issued in electronic form for carrying out bilateral radio communications (supervision) by telegraph CW

with radio amateurs from various 25 countries and territories of the world according to the list diploma of "Р-150-С".


Carrying out time: with 06-05-2024 (21:00UTC) - to 07-05-2024 (20:59UTC).

Type of modulation: ONLY CW.


The list of the countries according to the diploma of "P-150-C"


Просмотров: 199 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 27-04-2024, 07:55
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Memorable diploma "We remember...!" - 2024



We will always remember those who protected our Homeland on fronts of the Great Patriotic War and those who forged our Victory in the back. As a sign of deep respect and gratitude for their contribution to the Victory over fascism the traditional Memorial in which radio fans of many countries of the world participate is annually carried out.

The main objective of the Memorial – to immortalize the memory of feats of defenders and residents of the Hero towns, the Cities of military glory of Russia, military divisions, Heroes of the Soviet Union and gentlemen of an award of Glory, the enterprises and certain citizens made at the front and in the back in the period of the Great Patriotic War.


Within carrying out the Victory Memorial 79, the Russian telegraphy club (RUSSIAN CW CLUB) holds the commemorative event devoted to the Victory Day which includes competitive carrying out radio communications on air by radio fans and their rewarding with memorable diplomas "We remember …!" - 2024.

Просмотров: 223 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 1-04-2024, 00:00
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC




The diploma is founded by RCWC club in honor of the World Day of the radio amateur (on April 18 th).

The diploma is issued in electronic form for carrying out bilateral radio communications (supervision) by telegraph CW 

with radio amateurs from various 18 countries and territories of the world according to the list diploma of "DXCC".


Carrying out time: with 18-04-2024 (00:00UTC) - to 18-04-2024 (23:59UTC).

Type of modulation: ONLY CW.

Просмотров: 297 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 25-03-2024, 00:00
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Diploma "Mankind dream" - 2024



Since ancient times communication of the person and the Universe was interesting to mankind.

The dream of conquest of space, its cold and attracting stars, still long since arose in consciousness of mankind. Still in the ancient time governors and philosophers with interest watched stars and dreamed of that time when they are able to touch them.

On April 12, 1961 the new milestone in planet life Earth began — it became clear that the person can go out of the habitat that its horizons extend to unimaginable scales.

Flight of the Russian guy Yury Gagarin made a hypothesis of a possibility of practical activities of the person in space reality, opened the new direction in development of a civilization, and in it its enduring scientific value. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev and Yury Alekseyevich Gagarin. They together passed a difficult stage after which the road to space became also pryamy more widely. They met forever to stay together in memory national - the Chief designer and the First astronaut.

The diploma "A mankind dream" is founded by the Russian telegraphy club R-CW-C in the memory of these wonderful people – space pioneers.

Просмотров: 203 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 25-02-2024, 00:00
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Award "8 March - Cherchez la Femme" - 2024



The diploma is established by RCWC in honour of our beautiful half - the International Women's Day - the 8th of March.


The diploma's space of action: from the 4th of March (00:00 UTC) to the 10th of March, 2024 (23:59 UTC)

Bands: 160M; 80M; 40M; 30M; 20M; 17M; 15M; 12M; 10M

Mode: telegraph (CW)


- Men-radio amateurs have to conduct not less than one contact with women-radio amateurs from any country of the world during the period from the 4th to 10th of March, 2024. Contacts are valid if there are female names or YL(XYL) in received report.

- Women to radio fans need to carry out from March 4 to March 10, 2024 not less than one radio communication with any radio fans from any country of Mira to the period.

- All women radio fans members of RCWC gain diplomas behind number 1.

Просмотров: 269 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 14-02-2024, 07:13
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Diploma "Yuri Gagarin is 90 years old"



Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (March 9, 1934 — March 27, 1968) was a Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest insignia of a number of states, an honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities.

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space. The Vostok launch vehicle with the Vostok-1 spacecraft, carrying Gagarin, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. After 108 minutes of flight, Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, near the city of Engels.


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