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RCWC » Diplomas RCWC » Страница 10rss

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 29-06-2013, 11:46
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

Award Program Asian Prefix Hunter - ASPXH




The degree program is founded by the Russian cable club R-CW-C.

Diplomas are issued for QSO with amateur radio stations of Asia which have various prefixes in the call signs. 

Diplomas are issued for the radio communications which are carried out by telegraph (CW).

Each various prefix for diplomas is set off only once. Radio communications are set off, beginning communications with January 1st, 2000 on all radio amateur bands, including WARC.


Data on radio communications in the application it is necessary to place in alphabetical order followings of call signs.

Confirmation by QSL cards isn't required.
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form.

Attention: when applying for several degrees of diplomas at the same time, you should submit one application for the degree with the highest priority. All lower degrees are issued automatically.

Applications are accepted through service Diplomas on the website rcwc.ru. It is possible to study the instruction for application according to the reference.
The address for reference: rm4c(at)mail.ru

Просмотров: 3 623 | Комментариев: 0
Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 7-03-2013, 16:46
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC

The diploma Worked with the republics of Russia - WRR




The diploma is founded by the Russian cable club - R-CW-C.

At the moment 22 republics are a part of Russia. 

The diploma is issued for the radio communications which are carried out by telegraph with 20 republics of Russia on any amateur ranges. 

Radio communications are set off with January 1st, 2000. Radio communications the Republic of Crimea are set off with March 23rd, 2014.


Confirmation by QSL cards isn't required.
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form.


Applications are accepted through service Diplomas on the website rcwc.ru. It is possible to study the instruction for application according to the reference.
The address for reference: rm4c(at)mail.ru

Просмотров: 3 823 | Комментариев: 0
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