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RCWC » News » Contest "Soviet Union" - 2023rss

Contest "Soviet Union" - 2023

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 13-12-2023, 18:53
Категория: News / Contests RCWC

Contest "Soviet Union" - 2023


Organizers: Russian Telegraph Radio Club.
Contest is dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the USSR.


Start: December 30, 2023. 05:00 UTC

End: December 30, 2023. 09:59 UTC


The testing time for all participants: 5 hours (300 minutes)

Type of modulation: CW

Bands: 80м, 40м, 20м, 15м, 10м

Recommended frequencies: (3510-3570KHz; 7010-7040KHz; 14010-14060KHz; 21010-21060KHz; 28010-28060KHz)

General call: "CQ SU TEST" or "TEST SU"

Dupe QSOs with the same correspondent are allowed on other bands.
The participant of the contest accepts the regulations with his participation.

.:: ENTRIES ::.

A. SOAB-CW-European Ex.USSR (One operator, all bands, CW, European part of the territory of the former USSR):

A1. SOAB-CW-HIGH-EU USSR - one operator, power more than 100 watts;

A2. SOAB-CW-LOW-EU USSR - one operator, power not more than 100 watts;

A3. SOAB-CW-QRP-EU USSR - one operator, power not more than 5 watts.

B. SOAB-CW-Asiatic Ex.USSR (One operator, all bands, CW, Asian part of the territory of the former USSR):

B1. SOAB-CW-HIGH-AS USSR - one operator, power more than 100 watts;

B2. SOAB-CW-LOW-AS USSR - one operator, power not more than 100 watts;

B3. SOAB-CW-QRP-AS USSR - one operator, power not more than 5 watts.

C. SOAB-CW-DX (One operator, all bands, CW, located outside the territory of the former USSR, on different continents):

C1. SOAB-CW-HIGH-DX - one operator, power more than 100 watts;

C2. SOAB-CW-LOW-DX- one operator, power not more than 100 watts;

C3. SOAB-CW-QRP-DX - one operator, power not more than 5 watts.

Multi Operators:

D. MOAB-CW (Many operators, all bands, CW):

D1. MOAB-CW-EU USSR - Many operators, all bands, CW, European part of the territory of the former USSR;

D2. MOAB-CW-AS USSR - Many operators, all bands, CW, Asian part of the territory of the former USSR;

D3. MOAB-CW-DX - Many operators, all bands, CW, located outside the territory of the former USS.

E. SWL-CW - SWLs of the whole world - CW - overall score.


Comments clarifying conditions for different classes of participants:

Single operator:

Single operator individually performs all actions for working on the radio station and maintaining a log.
The use of public address networks, packet radio communications and/or multi-channel decoders (such as CW skimmers) is allowed.
There are no restrictions on the number of transitions from band to band.
Stations with one operator are allowed only one signal at any given time.

Multi Operators:

Multi operators: one HP transmitter (Multi-operator, Single transmitter, High power)
Only one signal is allowed at any given time.
Exception: One, and only one other transmitted signal can be used if it occurs on a band different from the band of the station/signal operating on a "general call", and the worked station is a new multiplier.
There are no restrictions on the number of transitions from band to band.
Alternately transmitted general calls (CQ) on two (or more) frequencies of the same band are prohibited.
The output power is limited by the terms of the owner's license.
All operators must comply with the rules governing the operation of amateur radio stations in their country


Exchange numbers - according to the list of the diploma " R-100-O " of the former USSR with conditional numbers, areas accepted before 1991.
The list of the diploma " R-100-O " of the former USSR is given below in the note.
Participants located outside the territory of the former USSR transmit an exchange number consisting of the serial number QSO + the abbreviation of the continent: AF; AS; EU; OC; NA; SA; ANT.

For example: 4L6QL - 001 012; EX8MJ - 001 036; D1CW - 001 073; UA0OK - 001 085; RU2K - 001 125; RM1T - 001 144

Participants located on the territory of the former USSR transmit an exchange number consisting of a serial number QSO + an abbreviation of the conditional number of the region of the former USSR, consisting of three digits.

For example: JA5NSR - 001 AS; S58MU - 001 EU; AC2KJ - 001 NA ; A65CA - 001 AS


.:: POINTS ::.

For each QSO, all participants are awarded 1 point.



All participants are awarded 1 point for the multiplier once for the whole time of the contest.
The multiplier is considered to be different territories of former republics, autonomies, national districts, territories, regions of the former Soviet Union, as well as different continents of the world.
Each multiplier is counted once regardless of the number of QSOs conducted with this territory. With radio stations "/ MM" multiplier is not given.


The result is defined as the composition of the sum of all points and the sum of all multipliers.
The participant's calculation of his result is not mandatory.


.:: NOTE TO SWLs ::.

For SWLs, points and multipliers are awarded for two-way radio surveillance, under similar conditions.


.:: AWARDS ::.

Memorable diplomas in electronic form will be sent to all participants who have sent reports on time.
If there are sponsors, there will be valuable awards that indicate which categories are awarded.


.:: REPORTS ::.

For example:

QSO: 7000 CW 2023-12-30 0500 R6BJ 001 101 RM4N 003 131
QSO: 7000 CW 2023-12-30 0501 R6BJ 002 101 R2BW 005 170
QSO: 14000 CW 2023-12-30 0502 R6BJ 003 101 RM1T 007 144
QSO: 21000 CW 2023-12-30 0503 R6BJ 004 101 RD9CX 008 154
QSO: 21000 CW 2023-12-30 0504 R6BJ 005 101 OK2QX 006 EU
QSO: 28000 CW 2023-12-30 0506 R6BJ 006 101 R8OA 008 145

The grounds for withdrawal from the test are:

- Violation of the requirements of this Regulation;

- Unsportsmanlike behavior, violation of the principles of HAM SPIRIT.

- A systematic error in the form of transmitting an incorrect control number by a radio station from the territory of the former USSR (ex.USSR).

For example, if YL1WWW passes 001 EU instead of 001 037.
In case of disputes, the decision of the Main Sports Judging Panel is final.






Till January 13, 2024 ( inclusive)


With all licensed amateur radio operators in the world.


File udc for N1MM (download) [1,17 Kb] (cкачиваний: 10)

Module for TR4W (download) [50,74 Kb] (cкачиваний: 1)

Module for AATest (download) [1,75 Mb] (cкачиваний: 1)

.:: Note ::.

Exchange numbers are conditional numbers of the former Soviet Union -
oblast ; region ; national district; autonomy; Republic - according to the list of the diploma "R-100-O", accepted before 1991:


001 - Azerbaijan SSR
002 - Nakhichevan ASSR
003 - Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region
004 - Armenian SSR
005 - Brest Region
006 - Vitebsk Region
007 - Gomel Region
008 - Grodno Region
009 - Minsk Region
010 - Mogilev Region
012 - Georgian SSR
013 - Abkhazian ASSR
014 - Adjara ASSR
015 - South Ossetian Autonomous Region
016 - Tselinograd region
017 - Aktobe region
018 - Alma-Ata region
019 - East Kazakhstan region
020 - Guryev region
021 - Dzhambul region
022 - Ural region
023 - Karaganda region
024 - Kyzyl-Orda region
025 - Kokchetav region
026 - Kostanay region
027 - Pavlodar region
028 - North Kazakhstan region
029 - Semipalatinsk region
030 - Taldy-Kurgan region
031 - Shymkent region
033 - Issyk-Kul region
034 - Osh region
036 - Kyrgyz SSR
037 - Latvian SSR
038 - Lithuanian SSR
039 - Moldavian SSR
040 - Tajik SSR
041 - Leninabad Region
042 - Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region
043 - Turkmen SSR
044 - Mary Region
045 - Tashauz region
046 - Chardzhou region
047 - Andijan region
048 - Bukhara region
049 - Kashka-Darya region
050 - Namangan region
051 - Samarkand region
052 - Surkhan-Darya region
053 - Tashkent region
054 - Ferghana region
055 - Khorezm region
056 - Karakalpak ASSR
057 - Vinnytsia region
058 - Volyn region
059 - Voroshilovgrad region
060 - Dnipropetrovsk region
062 - Zhytomyr region
063 - Transcarpathian region
064 - Zaporizhia region
065 - Kiev region
066 - Kirovograd region
067 - Crimean region
068 - Lviv region
069 - Mykolaiv region
070 - Odessa region
071 - Poltava region
072 - Rivne region
073 - Donetsk region
074 - Ivano-Frankivsk region
075 - Sumy region
076 - Ternopil region
077 - Kharkiv region
078 - Kherson region
079 - Khmelnitsky region
080 - Cherkasy region
081 - Chernihiv region
082 - Chernivtsi region
083 - Estonian SSR
084 - Bashkir ASSR
085 - Buryat ASSR
086 - Dagestan ASSR
087 - Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR
088 - Karelian ASSR
089 - Kalmyk ASSR
090 - Komi ASSR
091 - Mari ASSR
092 - Mordovian ASSR
093 - North Ossetian ASSR
094 - Tatar ASSR
095 - Udmurt ASSR
096 - Chechen-Ingush ASSR
097 - Chuvash ASSR
098 - Yakut ASSR
099 - Altai Territory
100 - Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region
101 - Krasnodar Territory
102 - Adygea Autonomous Region
103 - Krasnoyarsk Territory
104 - Khakass Autonomous Region
105 - Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous District
106 - Evenki Autonomous Okrug
107 - Primorsky Territory
108 - Stavropol Territory
109 - Karachay-Cherkassy Autonomous Region
110 - Khabarovsk Territory
111 - Jewish Autonomous Region
112 - Amur Region
113 - Arkhangelsk Region
114 - Nenets Autonomous Area
115 - Astrakhan region
117 - Belgorod region
118 - Bryansk region
119 - Vladimir region
120 - Vologda region
121 - Voronezh Region
122 - Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod region)
123 - Ivanovo region
124 - Irkutsk region
125 - Kaliningrad Region
126 - Kalinin Region (now Tver Region)
127 - Kaluga Region
128 - Kamchatka Region
129 - Koryak Autonomous Okrug
130 - Kemerovo region
131 - Kirov Region
132 - Kostroma Region
133 - Kuibyshev Region (now Samara Region)
134 - Kurgan Region
135 - Kursk Region
136 - Leningrad Region
137 - Lipetsk Region
138 - Magadan Region
139 - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
140 - Perm Region
141 - Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug
142 - Moscow region
143 - Murmansk region
144 - Novgorod Region
145 - Novosibirsk Region
146 - Omsk region
147 - Orel region
148 - Penza region
149 - Pskov region
150 - Rostov region
151 - Ryazan region
152 - Saratov region
153 - Sakhalin region
154 - Sverdlovsk region
155 - Smolensk Region
156 - Volgograd Region
157 - Tambov Region
158 - Tomsk Region
159 - Tuva ASSR
160 - Tula Region
161 - Tyumen Region
162 - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
163 - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area
164 - Ulyanovsk region
165 - Chelyabinsk region
166 - Chita region
167 - Orenburg region
168 - Yaroslavl region
169 - Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg)
170 - Moscow
173 - Syr-Darya region
174 - Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug
175 - Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug
176 - Turgay region.
177 - Naryn region.
178 - Dzhezkazgan region.
179 - Mangyshlak region.
180 - Krasnovodsk region.
181 - Jizzakh region.
182 - Kulyab region.
183 - Kurgan-Tyubinsk region.
184 - Talas region.
185 - Navoi region.
186 - Kiev
187 - Sevastopol
188 - Minsk
189 - Tashkent
190 - Alma Ata
191 - Ashgabat
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