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RCWC » News » RCWC 4 SEASONS - 2022 contest (Winter stage)rss

RCWC 4 SEASONS - 2022 contest (Winter stage)

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 18-12-2021, 00:00
Категория: News / Contests RCWC

RCWC 4 SEASONS - 2022 contest

(Winter stage)


The competition is conducted by RUSSIAN CW CLUB


Start: 1 January 2022 at 11:00 UTC

Finish: 2 January 2022 at 19:59 UTC


Mode: CW

Bands: 80 м, 40 м, 20 м


Open club R-CW-C соmpitition

General call: “CQ RCWC”.


Control time: - 3 tours for 60 мinutes

Reckoning of result: two best tours.


.:: Reckoning time and frequencies: ::.

1 tour - 01.01.2022 - 20M - (11:00 UTC - 11:59 UTC) - (14010-14060KHz);

2 tour - 02.01.2022 - 40M - (16:00 UTC - 16:59 UTC) - ( 7010 – 7040KHz);

3 tour - 02.01.2022 - 80M - (19:00 UTC – 19:59 UTC) - ( 3510 - 3560KHz).


At any moment of time participant can transmit only one signal.

Not members of the club trasmit separate numbers in every tour.

A duplicate contact is allowed only in different tours.

A participant fulfils all actions by himself.

It is allowed to use DX-info,clusters,skimmers.

Self-spotting is prohibited and transmission of data about QTC is prohibited in cluster.

Contest call: "CQ RCWC" or "CQ RCWC TEST"

The list of members of “RUSSIAN CW CLUB” is on the site of the club:



.:: Classes: ::.

A.Guests "RCWC"

A1. Single op - guests of “RCWC”- more than 100 watts.

A2. Single op - guests of "RCWC"- less than 100 watts.

A3. Single op - guests of "RCWC" - without restriction on power, working at classical keys (Key, Side-swiper или BUG).


B.Members "RCWC"

B1. Single op - member of "RCWC"- more than 100 watts.

B2. Single op - member of "RCWC"- less than 100 watts.

B3. Single op - member of "RCWC" - without restriction on power, working at classical keys (Key, Side-swiper или BUG).


C. Multi Op (2-3 ops) - one transmitter


Work of participants in the A3 and B3 groups will be written down in an audioformat for identification and rewarding for beautiful transfer.


.:: Contest Exchange: ::.

Guests of the club "RCWC" transmit RST and current number of QSO separate in every tour.

For example: in the first tour-599 001, in the second tour- 599 001 and so on.

Members of the club "RCWC" transmit RST and the group (QTC) from 5 consonants of Latin alphabet different in each tour.

For example: in the first round: 599 PVBJH, in the second round: 599 LDZXS

and in the third round: 599 ZKMBN.

QTC is created by the participant independently.

In QTC there shouldn't be identical signs.

Transfer of vowels of the Latin alphabet is forbidden: A; E; I; O; U; Y

as well as transfer to QTC of semantic Q-codes, for example: DXQSL; FBTNX.

Members of the club "RCWC" transmit different QTC (formed by themselves) in every tour.


.:: Points: ::.

Each contact gives one point.

Each contact with a member of "RCWC" club gives 5 points in every tour.

Each correctly received QTC gives bonus of 5 points.

If QTC is received with even one mistake bonus is not given, but a contact is okay but without bonus.

Counting of result is not obligatory.


.:: Multiplier: ::.

There is no multiplier in this contest.


.:: Counting of result: ::.

The result is the sum of points of two best tours from three.

Example: there are 10 QSOs in the first tour, there are 5 QSOs with the members

of the club and at the same time in 5 accepted QTC in the sum 4 mistakes are made:

10 + (5 х 5) + ((5 х 5) - 4) = 56 points

The second and third tours have 40 and 20 points.

Two first tours go into account: 56+40=96

For Polar and Far East stations the points are multiplied by coefficient 2.

Besides, for the participants working in the class A3 and B3 at vertical keys (Key) the coefficient = 2, on keys like Side-swiper coefficient = 1.5 for participants of "BUG" working at keys coefficient = 1 is established.


.:: Awards: ::.

The sum up of the year will be conducted according to the best three results from four laps of the Cup.

According to the sum up of the year plaquettes will be given in all classes provided by Regulations about sponsors.

One can read "Regulations about sponsors" on the site rcwc.ru


For winners and prize-men in classes and bands in every lap of the Cup and according to the sum up

of the year diplomas will be sent by e-post.


.:: Logs: ::.

Logs are sent only in Cabrillo format.

The participants participating in the class A3 and B3 in a line of SOAPBOX of the heading of the report specifies type of a key at which they worked (Key, Side-swiper or BUG).



CREATED-BY: TR4W v.4.229 [RUS]












EMAIL: ra3dh@mail.ru

QSO: 3500 CW 2022-01-02 1926 R8OA 599 CFPRQ UR5VR 599 93

QSO: 3500 CW 2022-01-02 1929 R8OA 599 CFPRQ UT8EU 599 LKJNM



Example of the log for a guest:

QSO: 3500 CW 2022-01-02 1926 RU3DPN 599 001 UR5VO 599 93

QSO: 3500 CW 2022-01-02 1929 RU3DPN 599 002 UT8EO 599 LKJNM



.:: Address for logs: ::.

Reports are sent on the postal address of club of RCWC rcwc@rambler.ru

In a subject of the letter it is obligatory to specify only a call sign.



Subject: R8OA B3 80

To attach files:

R8OA B3 80


Home page: http://www.rcwc.ru


.:: Deadline for sending the log: ::.

January 9, 2022


.:: Eligible Entrants: ::.

All radio amareurs working CW.


.:: Comments: ::.

If there is an equality in points the preference has a participant who gathered the most quantity of points from confirmed received QTC. QSOs do not count.

- with distorted callsigns, contest exchange, RST;

- difference in time of conducting QSOs more than three minutes;

- systematic mistakes in the log (only at transmitting side);

- for not confirmed correspondent by the log.

Member of the club "RCWC" who compiled groups with violation of regulation about vowels is fined by 10% from quantity of points for QSOs.

The participants declared in the A3 or B3 groups, but who worked on electronic keys or the keypad will be transferred respectively to the A1 or B1 groups
Participants from the A3 and B3 groups are obliged to carry out all radio communication only on the declared key type. Otherwise it will be transferred to the A1 or B1 groups respectively. 



(there is no information)



5MContest - in select competitions select the competition "4 seasons with RCWC"


TR4W >ARKTIKA-SPRING. When opening it a contest-logera in a window of "MY STATE" you write down the first QTC (for clubmen). And after the first round you keep Log in the separate file with a name, for example: R8OA B2 20 then you delete all Log from a contest-loggera and before the second round you open a new contest-loger of ARKTIKA-SPRING with entering of new QTC in the MY STATE window. The same actions you hold later 2 rounds. Not clubmen the MY STATE window leave empty in each tour.


See you in the competition! 73!


R8OA, Vladislav - Chief Justice

RM4C, Sergei

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Тур 40м надо переносить на дневное время,провёл 4 связи и всё.Диапазон пустой от слова совсем.
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Абсолютно ПОДДЕРЖИВАЮ!!!!!! именно 40м!
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