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RCWC » News » Regulations on the Days of Activity «New Year with RCWC 2022»rss

Regulations on the Days of Activity «New Year with RCWC 2022»

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 6-12-2021, 00:00
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC / Rallies and days of activity RCWC

Regulations on the Days of Activity «New Year with RCWC 2022»



1 Organizer of activity days

The organizer of the days of activity is the informal public organization "Russian Telegraph Club" (Russian CW Club, R-CW-C).

Chairman of the club's council is Stepanov S.B. (RM4C).

Date of establishment of the club: October 22, 2010.

The site of the club http://rcwc.ru/.

2 Participants of the days of activity

Radio amateurs all over the world are invited to participate in the days of activity.

During the event amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C (activators) will work on the air. The number of activators is not limited, any member of the club at any time of the marathon can become an activator and contribute to the event. The mandatory condition is to provide your log for download to the R-CW-C site.

The innovation in these days of activity is that activators will not be included in the standings of the event. A separate diploma of three different degrees is established for activators. Read more in paragraphs 7 and 8 of this provision.

3 Goals and objectives of activity days

3.1 Celebration of New 2022 years.

3.2 Promotion of amateur radio communication by means of telegraph code.

3.3 Allowing radio lovers around the world to meet the conditions of the diploma and receive commemorative awards, and for activists to increase their skill. Introduction into everyday work of radio lovers on the air of the adversarial component. The conditions of the activity days diploma are given in paragraphs 7 and 8 of this document.

4 Period of activity days

Days of activity are spent to the period from 00:00 MOSCOW TIME on December 30, 2021 till 23:59 MOSCOW TIME on January 05, 2022

5 Radio stations-activators of the activity days

During the period of activity days amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C (activators) will work on the air. The type of modulation is CW. CALL format... CQ CALL RCWC.

Each member of the R-CW-C club who wishes to become an activator must notify the organizing committee at the e-mail address rm4c@mail.ru. The current list of activators is published on the club website.

Activators are required to send their LOG daily to the organizing committee for filling to the rcwc.ru website.

6 Activity days program

Event Dates



30.12.2021 – 05.01.2022

The work activators on the air


06.01.2022 – 07.01.2022

Summing up, determining the winners


08.01.2022 – 08.04.2022

Winner's reward ceremony. Issue of diplomas to participants

7 Terms of the diploma « New year with RCWC – 2022»

Duration of the conditions of the diplomas:

- beginning: 30/12/2021 (00:00 Moscow time);

- ending: 05/01/2022 (23:59 Moscow time).

Type of modulation: Telegraph (CW)

Bands: 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160 meters.

During this period of time amateur radio stations - members of the club R-CW-C (activators) will work actively on the air.

Diplomas are issued for working with the above radio stations

Diplomas are free, given to hams in electronic format.

To organize the activators work during the days of activity and automated download of the completed diplomas, the RCWCLOG service operates on the RCWC.RU website.

Activators at the end of each session on the air fill their logs in the database of the service within 24 hours. Repeated radio communications: (Worked + Call + Band coincidences) are tracked at the time of filling and automatically deleted by the ROBOT, leaving the first connection in date and time.

Logs are available for viewing to all radio amateurs both registered on the site and to the guests of the club as well.


Each applicant can at any time, see the statistics of each activator, check the records loaded into the database about all or only about their QSO, check the fulfillment of the terms of the diploma programs by entering their callsign in special query windows.

When a request is received, the RCWCLOG service checks the QSO in the database and verifies that the diploma conditions are met by the entered call sign. The result of the check is displayed as a table. Diplomas for download are available to all who have fulfilled their conditions after the end of the entire event and the final summing up (three days after the end of the event).

Each time any log is filled into the service base, the activity days standings are automatically generated, the task of which is to distribute places among the participants at the current time.

The RCWCLOG service interface is intuitive and does not require further explanation. The rules of operation of the service can be found on the club's website.

The principle of distribution of seats in the standings and the conditions of the fulfilment of the diploma « New Year with RCWC – 2022»:

7.1 Activators call signs are not entered in the standings. Activators receive this diploma at number 1, regardless of the number of QSO carried out.

7.2 Call signs with not less than 10 radio connections with any activators of the activity days are entered in the table;

7.3 The advantage (higher place) is the applicant having a larger number of credited QSO (points);

7.4 If the number of radio communications (points) is equal, the applicant has the advantage, having in his asset a larger number of activated call signs;

7.5 With equal number of counted QSO (glasses) and equal number of activated call signs, the applicant who has conducted his radio communications on a larger number of ranges has the advantage.

7.6 If all conditions listed in item 7.5 (equality of QSO, Calls and Bands) are equal, the applicant who has shown his or her result earlier in time (time of the last credited QSO) has the advantage.В течении всех дней активности актуальная на данный момент времени турнирная таблица доступна для просмотра на сервисе RCWC Log.

During all days of activity, the current tournament table is available for viewing on the RCWC Log service.

At the end of the event and the last filling of the log into the base the tournament table is fixed and winners and the final number of holders of diplomas "New Year with RCWC - 2022" are determined.

The diploma of 3 degree is awarded for conducting at least 10 QSO.

The diploma of 2 degree is awarded for conducting at least 15 QSO.

The diploma of 1 degree is awarded for conducting at least 22 QSO.

Numbering of diplomas - according to the occupied place in the tournament table after its fixation at the end of the event.

Notes: SWLs wishing to receive diplomas should send an application in free form to the diploma manager on E-Mail: rm4c@mail.ru.

8 Terms of the activator diploma "New Year with RCWC - 2022"

The diploma has three degrees and is awarded for conducting radio communications as an activator within the framework of the "New Year with RCWC - 2022" activity days. The number of radio communications conducted is determined by the "Activator Table" in the RCWCLog, which excludes repeated QSOs from the general list.

- degree 3 activator diploma is issued for 100 QSO;

- degree 2 activator diploma is issued for 300 QSO;

- degree 1 activator diploma is issued for 500 QSO.

Diplomas are available for download by activists three days after the end of the event.

For questions concerning the operation of the entire RCWCLOG service and the diploma downloads, contact Stepanov Sergey (RM4C) at E-Mail:  rm4c@mail.ru


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