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01.07 R7KBB #1455
08.07 RV6C #1456
18.07 CT7ARQ #1457
22.07 EU1AFR #1458
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RCWC » News » Diploma "Five clubs"rss

Diploma "Five clubs"

Добавил: RM4C » Дата: 1-07-2017, 04:20
Категория: News / Diplomas RCWC / Rallies and days of activity RCWC

Diploma "Five clubs"




The diploma is founded by the Russian telegraph club (R-CW-C) with joint participation of clubs DRC (Lazarevskoye), CQCW (Anapa), Sporadic (Kursk) and club "CBG" - "A bear glade" (Liski). The diploma is issued for radio communications with the amateur radio stations using call signs of temporary use, received by them for participation in a marathon and representing on air the above-stated radio clubs.


Time of performance of conditions of the diploma:


- beginning: On July 22, 2017 (00:00 MOSCOW TIME);

- ending: On August 6, 2017 (23:59 MOSCOW TIME).



Bands: 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80 m.


During the specified period of time for amateur bands 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80 meters by telegraph (CW), will work the radio stations representing the radio clubs participating in the Teleraph marathon of R-CW-C-2017 and using call signs of temporary use:


R17CWB - radio club "A bear glade";

R17CWC - Russian CW club;

R17CWD - radio club "Dolphins";

R17CWQ - radio club of "CQCW";

R17CWW - radio club of Sporadik.


Performance conditions:


For the organization of work of Special event stations within the Telegraph marathon and the automated downloading of the executed diplomas on the website RCWC.RU the RCWC Log service is created.


Operators of Special event stations upon termination of each session on air carry out filling of the logs in base of service. Repeated radio communications: (Worked coincidence + Call + Band) are traced when filling and automatically are removed the ROBOT, leaving in base the first by date and time communication.


The logs are available to viewing to all radio fans as registered on the website, and to guests of club.


In RCWC Log UTC time is used.


Each radio communication with R17CWC earns for the applicant 5 points.

Each radio communication with other club station (see the list above) earns for the applicant 1 point.


The diploma has 3 degrees:

- on the diploma of the 3rd degree it is necessary to score 5 points;

- on the diploma of the 2nd degree it is necessary to score 10 points;

- on the diploma of the 1st degree it is necessary to score 20 points.


You can check the course of performance of conditions of the diploma on the RCWC Log service of the website of R-CW-C.


Diplomas free are also issued to all radio fans of the world in electronic form who have satisfied his conditions.


If conditions of the diploma are satisfied by the applicant, then for him function of automatic downloading of the diploma is activated.


Note: SWL wishing to gain diplomas have to send the application in a free form to the degree manager to E-Mail: rm4c@mail.ru.


On questions, concerning works of all RCWCLOG service and a downloads of diplomas to address Stepanov Sergey (RM4C) on E-Mail: rm4c@mail.ru


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